Sunday 18 November 2012

Weekly Update

I am writing in today, just to beat my dad for being the first person to put up a second post! Hehe...

Well, I have had a week of almost zero work, but I have been busy, reading and writing... Interested souls can go check it out on

I have always loved reading, but lately, or rather, ever since law-school I have not been able to read at the same pace as I used to. I am a firm believer in making time for things you love to do, so here I am during my semester break reading away at a pace of a little more than a book a week. I am kinda curious myself, on how many books I can manage to finish before the Christmas holidays come to an end!

I even made a reading list full of books to read, and I can safely cross 1 off from the 12 on the list. So, hopefully, I will stick to and not stray away all too often to some trashy stories and get through all the books on this list!

So, here's to a happy next few wishes filled with the sweet delicious anticipation of Christmas! I love Christmas. I start every year with the countdown to Christmas. The day itself might not be anything special, but as long as I am around family on this day, I have had a decent Christmas.

Sunday 11 November 2012

John's Daughter

Three years ago, I would have deleted that mail in my inbox inviting me to contribute to my father's blog page. Does the fact that I am writing in here today, imply some kind of a personal growth? I really doubt it. I am pretty much the same person I was then and if anything, I have become even more discerning and cynical than I was three years ago. I like to think of it as growing up, but you can be the judge of that.

Why am I choosing to write in a post on my father's blog? Well, frankly, I am honored that he would give me the freedom to write whatever I chose to on his personal page on the world wide web. I decided to make the most of this golden opportunity and pen down whatever thoughts that come flying to my mind. I have a blog with wordpress and while I am not a regular blogger, I try to put up something every no and then. There, I make a real effort to type out my piece on a word document and proof-reading it before I finally post it on my blog. Here, I am just going to let my thoughts flow directly to my fingertips.

I have a few more excuses to be putting this up. My presence on the internet is slightly curtailed by the fact that I find Facebook a tad bit too voyeuristic for my taste. Hence, maybe, this is my way of making up for the void that Facebook leaves. Then, there is the fact that this is a wonderful opportunity to direct traffic from my father's blog to my blog ( 

Since I am already knee deep into my first entry, I shall try to summarize a little about my father's daughter. She was born around the time he had just turned 29. She sometimes like to think of herself as her Dad's belated birthday gift from God. However, unlike the family into which she is born into, she is not a  religious person. She is a devout believer in Monotheism, a singular omnipotent and omniscient being that mysteriously maintains a sort of balance in the world. She also believes in Karma; in doing as much good as we can. She is the girl you would come across, who resentfully refuses a beggar on the street but might buy the pens from that kid on the street. She is not the easiest person to make friends with, but her friends have earned their friendship and would be grateful that they are friends with her. If you are still curious, you could perhaps check out this page? I do not feel like repeating myself!

I am still trying to decide if and how I will continue this post and whether I should continue contributing to this blog. I guess, that would be my cue to stop for the time being.